With work winding down towards the holidays, its that time of year to pick up a new passion project so as to not get bored during my well earnt month long vacation. A few ideas have been tossed around, but I have decided to start with an old project that never really got off the ground. The project (as of yet) doesn’t really have a name or a clear direction, but it does have a clear purpose. An emotional and creative outlet for me to express my thoughts and feelings in a way pen to paper seems to lack. So far, a script/concept has been written, but I have yet to start writing the actual content. Primitive character art was designed and animated. Meet: Anna.

Anna-Concept Anna-Idle Anna-Walk

The above is only prototype art that’s prone to change (keeping in mind this concept art was drawn and shelved over 2 years ago). The plot-line is still a bit vague as of now, since the main concern is getting more concept art out (including an environment) as well as a functional back-end engine.

On the technical side, I am still making up my mind as wether to use C++ or Java for my project. I have more hands on experience with Java as a language, but I have also had a fair bit of exposure with OpenGL2 and OpenGL3 via a University course that used C++.

The project is going to be (as of writting) a solo venture. Although, a few friends have offered to chip in to help with things like art and sound design/music.

To be continued…