Linux is easy, right?

Spoiler - Only when the docs are up to date

I’m currently doing my CCNA certification as part of my job (would have been cool if we had actually touched any form of networking equipment in Uni but alas…) and as a result I’ve been exploring alternatives to CISCOs Network Emulation tool Packet Tracer. One such service is an open... [Read More]

A Windows Environment

What the Powershell!?

As per the outlined schematic in the last post, I started to build a Windows lab environment. After a little research (namely watching the talented John Hammond learning how to set up a Windows Environment much like the one I had in mind), I came out with a working understanding... [Read More]

Playing with VMs

Hello again!

A few days ago I decided to get back into working on things that would be useful in a real life context. Where is better to start than to create a proper workspace/lab environment to experienment and play around with. [Read More]

Crawl, Walk, Run...

If only it were that easy

Since my last entry, quite a bit of work has been acomplished. I have managed to re-familiarize myself with Marmoset Hexels 3 (my software of choice for the art in this project), I have also been doing a lot of reading surrounding OpenGL. [Read More]